Marcy Patsanza

Marcy is a qualified Dental Hygienist with a strong passion for community outreach and providing dental care beyond the traditional clinic setting. Over the years, she has gained valuable experience in using portable dental equipment while treating geriatric patients in various Aged Care facilities, and serving rural and remote communities in South Australia as well as Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory through her work with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Her former role as a Dental Hygienist with the RFDS has also allowed her to actively engage in oral health promotion and dental education, particularly focusing on educating patients and other primary health practitioners about the connections between chronic disease management and oral health.

Marcy was honoured as a Colgate Advocate for Oral Health finalist in 2022 for her unwavering commitment and advocacy for oral health. Passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities, Marcy was recently granted the New Colombo Plan Grant, which enabled her to participate in a virtual learning experience across the Indo-Pacific region on Sustainable Development Goals. Driven by her dedication to patient care, she recently expanded her knowledge and completed a Bachelor of Psychology degree, aiming to assist individuals experiencing mental health challenges and dental phobias which often hinder them from seeking dental care.

Marcy actively contributes to the field as a member of the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia. She has served as the National Editor for the Bulletin and currently serves on the South Australian Committee. Additionally, she is a member of the Course Advisory Group for the TAFE SA Dental Hygiene Program. In recognition of her achievements, Marcy received The Highly Commended - Outstanding International Alumni Award at the TAFE SA Honour Award ceremony in 2022.


Optional Workshop  - Thursday 21 Sept

Royal Flying Doctor Service - Rural and remote oral health promotion workshop

Presented by Dr Vaibhav Garg and Marcy Patsanza


This 3 hour session allows attendees to visit and tour the RFDS Base at Adelaide Airport for a unique learning experience. The RFDS Oral Health Care Program offers a mobile dental and oral health care service to residents and communities throughout rural and remote South Australia and the Northern Territory. Regular ‘fly-in’ clinics provide opportunities for people of all ages living in remote locations to access high-quality dental care at no cost to the patient. The Program continues to grow and make advances towards a more collaborative approach to health care for those in remote areas. Find out more at this workshop, which also includes interactive group learning.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Be familiar with the structure and principles of the RFDS and its Oral Health Program, and the local SA facility
  2. Learn about oral health practices from experienced clinicians working in rural and remote settings
  3. Develop strategies to incorporate chronic disease management into everyday practice