ACT - Crowne Plaza Full Day Event

Enjoy a full day at the Crown Plaza Canberra.

Featuring speakers:

Dr Rob Fell - The periodontal re-evaluation: How do we decided when surgery is necessary

Dr Alison  Salkeld - Modern Oncology for Dental professionals

Dr Mark Wotherspoon & Brenda Fry - Healthy Ageing: From Talk to Walk

Dr Peter Wong -Dental decay and hypomineralisation what is the difference? and The Special paediatric patient, important oral health recommendations and the role of the OHT and hygienist

CPD Hours: 6 hours Scientific

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Healthy Ageing: From Talk to Walk

We know the population is aging. We know our patients are retaining more natural teeth and complex dentistry. We also know from the research, our own clinical experience, and the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, that our seniors are very often suffering from poor oral health that significantly impacts their quality of life and dignity. Advances in digital and portable technology have created an opportunity for our profession to extend our services outside the walls of our fixed practices, offer a new source of revenue and assist our patients enjoy their twilight years with the respect and comfort they deserve.

Learning objectives:
  • Hear an executive summary of the Royal Commission and Aged Care Commission oral health recommendations.
  • Learn the importance and clinical implications of preparing our patients for healthy ageing.
  • Observe a “real world” portable dental service start up.
  • Learn the latest in Oral Health and Hygiene education and workshops for Aged Care workers.


The periodontal re-evaluation: How do we decide when surgery is necessary?

The re-evaluation visit is the most important step in the process of periodontal treatment. It gives us a chance to evaluate the patient’s response to treatment, their cooperation and helps to identify which areas require further treatment.

Apart from patient factors and our clinical experience, we may also be defeated by thepatient's anatomy. This lecture will discuss the how to use the information gained at the re-evaluation visit to plan further treatment: whether it be repeated non-surgical debridement, surgical treatment or tooth removal. These factors also help to identify the ideal maintenance interval to prevent recurrence of disease.


Modern oncology for dental professionals

In Australia it is estimated that 43% of people will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85. Dental practitioners regularly see patients undergoing treatment for cancer or following treatment. This lecture will summarise the modern advances in oncology particularly in the last 5 years including the types of treatments your patients are on, the impacts of treatment on their health and how this may impact dental care.  


Speaker Biographies

Dr Mark Wotherspoon

Oral health Activist
Successful General Dental Practitioner who wears a number of hats. Mark has had many years in private practice as Principal and practice owner as well as experience in the Public Service, Military Service and even Corrective services. He firmly believes in establishing best practice oral hygiene routines for his patients and educating other health professionals and the public as to the close link between oral health and general health. Mark is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer and Clinical Team Leader [Portable Dentistry] CSU and has extensive clinical experience, treating patients in over 15 different ACFs as well as housebound residents in their private homes. In 2016 he developed his own part-time portable dentistry business, Dentist To Your door and clearly understands the costs, logistics, challenges and opportunities for small business to play a major role to meet the growing oral health needs of the ageing population.

Brenda Fry

Dental Hygienist

Brenda Fry is a dental hygienist and owner/director of Bright Smiles Professional - a mobile dental hygiene practice here in Canberra. Brenda graduated from University College of Cork, Ireland with first class honours and was dux of her course in 2004. Since then she has worked in general, periodontic, prosthodontic and orthodontic practices across London, Sydney and Canberra. Brenda set up her mobile dental hygiene practice in 2022 and is now servicing 17 Aged Care homes in Canberra and surrounding New South Wales.


Dr Robert Fell

Specialist Periodontist

Dr Fell completed his Bachelors degree and Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Periodontics at the University of Sydney. He holds dual Fellowships with the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in both General Dentistry and Periodontology. Rob is a Clinical educator for the specialist periodontal training program and a surgical mentor for the graduate diploma program in implant dentistry, both at the University of Sydney. He is an ITI fellow and Co-director of the Hills District ITI Study Group.

Rob based in Sydney with practices in the heart of the CBD and in Mosman on the lower north shore.His practice focuses on both periodontics and dental implants with an emphasis on interdisciplinary treatment planning and long-term maintenance.


Dr Alison Salkeld

Oncology Radiologist
Dr Alison Salkeld is an oncologist specialised in adult and paediatric radiation oncology working at The Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre Westmead Hospital and The Children’s Hospital Westmead. She sub-specialises in gynae-oncology as well as paediatric and young adult radiation oncology.  She is also a senior lecturer in medical education and academic medicine at The University of Sydney.



Registration Prices

  Regular Pricing 
 DHAA members - $180
 DHAA Student members - $100 
 ADOHTA members - $225 
 Non members - $270
25/11/2023 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Crowne Plaza Canberra 1 Binara Street Canberra, ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA
Online registration not available.

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