DHAA Oral Health Award 2024

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The DHAA is recognising oral health practitioners who are making a meaningful contribution to our profession with the annual DHAA Oral Health Award.

Dental hygienists, oral health therapists and dental therapists share a focus on prevention, and collectively are known as oral health practitioners.

This award recognises the excellent contribution of oral health practitioners at the grass root level in improving health outcomes and the well-being of the general public. It seeks to tell the stories of the vital work of the quiet achievers within the oral health profession.


The nominee must be a current DHAA member, and has proven accomplishments in one or more of the following aspects:

  • Community service - making a difference to the community
  • Leadership - innovating, inspiring and mentoring others within the profession
  • Research and education - breaking new grounds, provision of positive and enriching learning for the profession and the general public
  • Clinical excellence - advocating and pioneering best practice
  • Volunteering - to improve oral health in Australia or overseas
  • Service to the DHAA - selfless and generous contribution to the DHAA


Selection criteria

The selection panel will score each nominee but consider the following:

  1. Impact of their reported accomplishments on the health and wellbeing of the public or the oral health profession
  2. The extend of work undertaken that goes above and beyond the nominal activities of the nominee’s paid role(s)
  3. Preference will be given to nominees that have not been recognised previously for the reported accomplishments

Nomination requirements
  • All nominees must be members of the DHAA
  • Sitting State and Federal office holders are not eligible
  • Nominations should be completed using the nomination form
  • Anyone may submit a nomination with the candidate's permission
  • Nominations must clearly document why the candidate should be considered, above all others, for these distinguished awards

All nominations must contain sufficient evidence of achievement:

  • project details, community/patient/organisation testimonials to inform the selection process without additional research. (1x A4 page + attachments)
  • Must include the details of a referee for the nominee from current or former colleagues, employers, editors, students or associates
  • A nominee need only be nominated once to be considered

DHAA Oral Health Award Nomination Form

Nominations can be made via email. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].

Nomination Form

Selection Process

All nominations received will be assessed by a panel with recommendations put to the DHAA Board of Directors for final approval. The panel will consist of three people, with at least one a current Director of the DHAA.


Award recipients are recognised annually at the DHAA National Symposium with a plaque, and acknowledged in the DHAA Bulletin.